Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mr. Q and Miss U

Ella had a big event at school this last week. Mr. Q asked Miss U to marry him and the class had a big wedding to celebrate. Never in all three years of kindergarten with the boys did we have something so fun to attend. Mark did the honors today because I'll be going with Ella to the zoo next week. Ella was asked to wear church clothes the day of the wedding and that morning she told me, "Morgan said she doesn't have any church clothes. How come she doesn't have church clothes?" And I said, "well some people don't go to church every Sunday like we do." She looked at me like I was totally nuts.

Mark said Mrs. Jones did a great job officiating and wrote into the vows that Miss Q make "Quaker oatmeal every day" and that Mr. Q "hunt quail reguarly". There was a bridal procession and Ella was asked to be Miss U's attendant. They had a wedding cake tiered with little Debbie's zebra cakes and even danced afterwards.

Ella also brought me breakfast in bed this morning for Mother's Day. It's heavenly having the kids be older. They each get up and make their own breakfast on Saturdays and even close my door on their way down the hallway. I was sound asleep at 7:30 and Ella walked in and said, "Happy Mother's day, Momma. I brought you cereal, your favorite with cranberries." I really didn't want to wake up yet but the gesture was precious so I climbed out of bed, put pajama bottoms on and walked into the kitchen to have cereal with my daughter. I'll post more later about the things the other kids did.

After church today though, I was on the computer in the laundry room and Ella came in to color a picture. She laid her head down and was talking to me and within a few minutes she was totally quiet. I looked down and she had totally fallen asleep on the laundry room floor! I often feel like sleeping in the laundry room because it's a job that never ends but this was just too much. Adorable!