Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pray for Kate

Prayer. It can often seem like such a small thing, that is until you see it unfold a miracle right before your very eyes. I did not even know what a blog was two years ago but since moving to Texas I discovered several of my friends had blogs and I loved checking in on their precious families. I started this blog shortly after we moved to update people on our family of 6 and to chronicle our desire to have Allan move to the states and join our family. Sadly that did not come to fruition despite countless prayers but that does NOT change my perception of prayer.

I have become entrenched in the lives of many women across the country who I have never met and more than likely won't ever meet but I count it a privilege to be able to pray for them and lift them up as they struggle with things I simply cannot imagine. The blogging world is one big web and once you're snagged you're caught. I love checking in periodically and seeing how God is moving in families across the country.

So for the first time I want to post a link to a website dedicated to the struggle of one little girl, Kate McRae. She and her family live in Phoenix, Arizona and she has recently been diagnosed with a very serious malignant brain tumor. Please take some time to visit her site and lift this family up in prayer. God is listening and wants to hear our petitions.
I have been wanting to write about so many things on this blog lately and my words just don't seem to come as easily as they often do. My heart yearns for things I do not fully understand and I hope to share more of that later. But for now, know that prayer is powerful. Prayer ties us to each other, fellow believers, and non-believers. What more of a powerful testimony can you have than to let a non-believer know that you've been praying for something they can tangibly see in their own lives? Our God is a powerful God and he still performs miracles! Please pray for little Kate.


Carol said...

Hey! We follow some of the same blogs I see, now that you have your list up! Fun. I've come across Kate's story too.

Love to see your updates.