Sunday, January 11, 2009

Over half way there

Well we're over half way into our tour at home without Dad. Mark left last week for his two week stint in Austin to work on his doctorate. He goes for two weeks in January and two weeks in June. I took the first week off from work just to be able to relax a little while the kids were at school. My relaxing turned into laying on the couch almost every day because I had a cold that just now seems to be on it's way out. I watched several movies on tv and napped more than I have in years so I guess I can't complain.

I know Mark feels like we can get along without him just fine, but that's simply not true. We miss him terribly. The kids ask me every day, "how many more days until Dad gets home?" and when people ask them where their dad is, the little ones will say, "he's at pastor school." I can't even begin to list all the ways I miss him. I always take on new appreciation for single parents with multiple kids. I really do not know how they do it. Actually, I do, but not long term and without a supportive spouse that always returns home. Hurry home Mark. We'll all be here waiting for you!


Carol said...

Is Mark home yet? Been thinking about ya.