Monday, August 30, 2010

Our growing Menagerie

Bear is such a wonderful dog. She went to the ball park with us on Saturday and cheered on her boys. She has been having a wonderful time with her cousin, Haley, my sister Heather's dog. She even went to a local dog park on Sunday. She's very social!

Whiskers has made the adjustment to Prosper fairly well. A pre-requisite of her moving into Papa's house was that she had to be de-clawed. She was a trooper and traveled up from Beaumont with just a little car sickness. The house is so much larger than ours that we had to get a new collar with a bell so that we'd be able to find her. She used to go outside in Beaumont all the time but for now she's content to stay inside, just staring out the windows.

And last but not least we've added a fire belly frog. Ben was working on his amphibian merit badge for scouts so instead of capturing a local frog, off to Petsmart we went. Now nearly $100 later "Chris" has a pretty decked out pad. He recently upgraded to a 10 gallon tank with a special rock ledge and it's filled with 4 inches of water so it's fun to watch him swim around.