I'm hoping we can get our camera fixed soon. I have so many things I want to add to the blog but without photos it's just not that much fun to look at. We're in the final stages of school. So hard to believe our first school year here in Texas is almost over. I took Ella today to kindergarten round up. She'll be 6 at the end of September so she'll be one of the oldest in her class and her pre-school teacher told me last week, that she's above and beyond all of her other classmates by leaps and bounds so we're hoping she'll be challenged in kindergarten. I told her that probably half of what she knows I wish I could erase since it's education derived from three older brothers.
The boys have finished their first year of TAKS testing. Ben and Max each earned commendables on their reading, Ben only missing one and Max only missing two. Ben also took math and Max took science. We have not gotten those results back yet but Ben's teacher told him that day he did really well and Max felt confident when he got home so we're excited to see how they scored on those as well. MT did not take TAKS this year but did take the ITSB and those results will come at the end of school. His teacher wants to recommend him for challenge next year so it looks like he'll be off to the GT program. Look out Gifted and Talented, here comes MT!
Max registered for middle school last week too. I cannot believe that my little boy is going to be in middle school. He is growing up way too fast for me. On our way to church yesterday, he was asking me the sweetest questions trying to get ideas for mother's day. I was trying so hard not to act like I knew where he was going with the questions because he was being so sweet. My only child thus far who has put any thought into this weekend. Maybe it comes with age.
I marvel each day at how much they change and grow. I spend so much time fussing at them for this and that and go to bed most evenings wondering how much psychological damage I've done with all my yelling. I can only hope and pray that through some of the yelling they remember all the hugs and kisses, Mark says I get a little carried away with that, but what the heck, they're free! Tomorrow is always another day.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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