Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here we go Again

We are well within this "cone" and yet no one is calling for evacuation. When we were clearly not going to get Gutav as a visitor we were all ordered to evacuate without question. So can someone please explain to me why this storm is barreling straight toward our coastline and we're all just sitting still? Mark and I are going to be making some quick decisions in the morning trying to figure out what we should do. School has been canceled for some of our surrounding areas but not our district yet; although the university has cancelled classes tomorrow and Friday. We ask you again to pray for our safety and those surrounding us. It's very hard to pray that the storm go somewhere else because you just don't want anyone else to be harmed or their homes to be damaged.

These are some pictures of what Mark saw when he went to Baton Rouge last week after Gustav went through. The news media continues to amaze us. All you hear about on the national news is New Orleans this and New Orleans that but there are so many other communities that have been devastated by recent hurricanes and yet you never even hear about them or their struggles.