Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ben and Skylar
Talent Show 2010
This is the performance of Ben's fifth grade group at the Talent Show. Be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the blog to pause the music that you normally hear in the background before you push play on the video. Ben did a SUPER job and we all had such a great time watching his group and all the other talented kids at his school! Such a fun evening. We all celebrated at Fuddrucker's afterward.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Day Two
My hopes for a less eventful post were really quite close to being a reality. I got everyone up and ready for school and we were doing great! A wonderful friend from church, Lynn, showed up at the store yesterday and kept Mark Thomas preoccupied while I finished some important printing for a store event later in the month. She was an absolute angel and even took MT to get some lunch when I had a bride and her mother come in without an appointment to order some invitations. Then Lynn said, "let me just go get the other two from school and then bring them back to you at home." Could not have asked for a sweeter friend at the moment.
She then called last night and asked if she could pick up the three younger ones from school and take them to her house. Max has been getting a ride from another mom since he's at a different school. So Lynn got the other three today and I actually had enough time to sit down and pay a few bills online and chat with Max before she brought them home. Lynn and her husband have raised three sons of their own and she's been a wonderful source of encouragement for me and I frequently lean on her for advice when I just feel like I'm at the end of my rope with the children. She's the best.
So Lynn brought them home and we left about 15 minutes later to take the Bens to basketball practice again. I was pulling out of the driveway with my Ben on the way to get the other Ben and I hit a trash can at the end of our driveway. It's just a large, plastic city trash can but it hit my rear window on the suburban just right and I instantly heard it shatter. I just felt the tears welling up within my eyes but didn't want to lose it in front of Ben because I'd done that yesterday with the stitches.
I called my Dad in tears and he did what he always does, just listens and then solves my problems for me. I love you so much Dad. He told me who to call and what questions to ask.
I found someone to fix it for far less than my deductible; which I about died when I heard how much that was when I called our insurance agency. I'm up to my eye balls with medical deductibles right now and I just knew my hole was getting larger and larger. So I called Safelite and they're going to come on Saturday and fix it for a great price. I was willing to wait that long just to have it be less than my deductible.
Next issue, what to do without a car until Saturday? I called another dear friend of mine, Nancy. She and her husband are like parents to me as well. I have lunch with Nancy regularly and she's been a wonderful confidant for me. I treasure our friendship. They have three cars so they were the first people I called and they brought over a car for me to use within 10 minutes.
Even amidst all my crazy emotions I had another friend come over to pick me up to get the Bens and she listened to me sob all the way to the gym. God is good to have provided so many gracious people yesterday and today and even though I'd gladly give back the stitches and the broken glass I'm still thankful for God's provisions in my friends.
Let's really hope I have nothing exciting to post tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Day One
I thought maybe I'd TRY to update the blog daily while Mark is gone so that he doesn't feel like he's missing us too much. I hope and pray that everyday I'm not posting as much news as I'm about to because he may arrive home to find me in a catatonic state.
Lets hope tomorrow is a little slower paced than today. And please God let there be no blood shed.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Joy and Sorrow
So much on my mind tonight. We've had lots of joy over the past few weeks and it's been mixed with some sorrow too. Not sure how eloquently my words will flow tonight. I'm just going to try and keep it real.
Mark and I have for years felt trapped in a burden of debt. It just seems to hang around like an albatross. We knew when we followed God's call to seminary that life would change; and it has so much. In ways more wonderful than we ever could have imagined. We have been to several places we'd never thought we'd go, starting with Iowa. We met friends we'll have for a lifetime there. Struggles were not absent but I'd go back there tomorrow again just to get my Ella Clare. From there we moved to New York, one of the most beautiful states in our union. I long to be back there most days, just soaking up the beauty I'm sure I took for granted while I lived there. Mark has traveled to Israel, South Korea and taken numerous other trips to study and learn more about our Savior and to proclaim the Gospel. The kids have grown immensely in their faith, especially since being here in Beaumont where the children's programming is so strong at our church. And I have been pressed to grow in areas I honestly did not know existed.
But our time in seminary left us with debt and it has seemed to dangle it's ugly face in our lives for years to follow. We're about to embark on the Dave Ramsey program Financial Peace University at our church and I'm hopeful that we can once and for all shake this nasty plague. We long to be able to do more with our money to help others in ways they've helped us. The amount of times people have given selflessly of themselves to support our family over the years are too numerable to even recount here. Both Mark and I are blessed with parents that love us all so much and are always there to lend support when we need it; both spiritually and financially. Those blessings are not lost on us.
Since the children from Uganda stayed in our home nearly 2 and a half years ago my heart has really not been the same. I think of Allan almost daily and wonder what he's doing and pray for his health. I wish so much that he could have been able to come and live with us. I still feel very motherly towards him even though we've not seen or spoken to him since he left the states. I just had this connection with him that made me feel as if he was one of my sons and I hope and pray that someday we might be able to see him again. As Mark, the children and I have watched the news this week and seen the tragedy that's unfolded in Haiti it just brings all those feelings back. I cannot as a mother even begin to imagine the depth of sorrow that exists in Haiti right now. Such an impoverished place in our world and it's been devastated again by a catastrophic event.
I read today that the average person in Haiti exists on around $525 a year. That's less than I make in one week and certainly far less than Mark brings home from his salaried job. It's mind boggling to even begin to pretend how we as Americans could exist on so little. I paid our bills this morning and came up drastically short this month due to an unexpected car repair that totaled much more than Mark and I were prepared to have to spend but it was non-negotiable. After I paid what I could I sat down with Mark to explain what we needed for the rest of the month and I just felt so guilty even being concerned with such frivolity when people not that far away were struggling just to get fresh food and water. Jesus commands us in Matthew 6 not to worry about where our provisions will come from. That he's aware of our needs and just as he tends to the flowers in the field and the birds in the air so he will provide for us.
I want to be free of the worry that money brings. I want to be free to send funds to people who need things so much more than I need a new pair of brown boots right now. I want to be able to continue to provide things for my children the way my parents did for me and my sisters. I want to be able to know that Mark and I can retire one day and spend the rest of our days bringing Glory to our God working side by side in ministry.
These are the thoughts on my mind tonight as I approach the next two weeks ahead of me. I have a birthday coming up, not one I'm excited to celebrate but I'm thankful for another year here on this earth to be with my family and thankful for the blessings God has seen fit to bestow upon me. Mark leaves for Austin on Monday and will be gone for two weeks to continue to work on his doctorate. It's a time he both looks forward to and dreads. It feeds his mind and gets him back in the classroom which he loves and really, who wouldn't love Austin. So much to do there. But it also takes him away from us and that he really dislikes. He'll be calling within a few days wanting to come back home and I'll have to talk him into staying telling him we're just fine without him; which in fact will not be totally accurate. I depend on him in so many ways and it's hard when he's gone but I put on a brave face and am thankful for the cavalry when they arrive. This time it'll be my parents. They'll come for a few days and it'll be great to have them here I know.
Enough of my ramblings and on with some photos...
Alabama beats Texas in the BCS National Championship
We had our own little family party. Didn't want any of those stinky Texas fans in my house to watch the game. I ordered Bama plates, cups and napkins several weeks ago to surprise Mark and the kids and we cooked up our game favorites. We had a great time watching the game with our new family addition, Bear. She wore her crimson and rooted on the Tide to a victory! We knew Alabama was #1 all season long and now the nation knew it too! Way to go boys!!!
And today Little Dribblers started for Mark Thomas and Ben. So much fun to see them both trying out a new sport. They did great! Both of their teams won and they each contributed to the point tally. We won't have many shots to share from these upcoming games though. The lighting was terrible in both gyms and I really only got a few good shots at Ben's game because a friend of mine let me borrow his VERY expensive flash. A purchase I won't be making any time soon. MT is #4 and Ben is #12. Max has played basketball at St. Anne's this year too. He's learned a lot but is still a baseball lover at heart. Sign ups for baseball are next weekend so we'll be back at the ball fields before we know it.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Trip to San Angelo and Enchanted Rock
Mark and I combined our Christmas money this year from our parents and splurged on a new camera. It's so great and I've already enjoyed the ability to shoot things I simply could not with my little point and shoot digital camera. I will not be starting my own photography business as it seems so many people are these days but I certainly could with the quality of photos the camera takes. I am anxious to take it to all the baseball games and to the pool when swim season starts to capture the kids in all their action.
But as you can see from below, my telephoto lens allows me to shoot things that are crazy far away. The boys climbed to the top of the easiest portion to scale and within 45 minutes went from bottom to top and back down again. This was my first time to use the lens and I was shocked at how far away I could still make out my 4 boys at the top. Enchanted Rock is 425 feet and Ella and I felt so far away from them but with this lens we could clearly see where they were in their descent. Can you see them??
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year, New Rules
Sound asleep, the kids wear her out.
Mark was the officiating minister at Cymber and Kyle's wedding and did a GREAT job!
Handsome crew of ours