Sunday, June 1, 2008

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it

Mark leaves tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. for Austin and will be gone for two weeks. It's the beginning of his doctorate. He's been reading and writing for the past several weeks and hopefully will be done in 5 years. 5 years! A lot will happen during those five years I'm sure but Mark is so happy to be starting this journey so I of course am excited for him! Maybe not quite so excited to be without him for two weeks but we'll muddle through somehow.

I've been working on painting the front of the house and we've got landscaping being done hopefully this week so we're on the road to a much improved exterior. It's been fun to see the transformation. I'll try to get before and after photos up when it's all done.

The kids begin their last week of school tomorrow. Totally hard to believe. Summer starts on Friday at Noon. Thankfully we've got grandparents coming from Pennsylvania the following Monday and they'll cart the kids off to Galveston to kick the summer off with a bang!


laura said...

you can do it! and you have neighbors that would love to help (barring any questionable diapers!!- not ella- my little ones) the house is looking really good. i think i get to enjoy the process the most since it is right across the street!